Why should mobile technology matter to your golf club?

By: Gary Denault March 1, 2017

Proximity, wearability, data. Terms being used in all aspects of marketing today, but most importantly in mobile marketing.
Mobile apps seem to be a great solution for almost any business segment. Sadly statistics are showing otherwise. We are spending more and more time in apps. but on fewer and fewer different apps. 84% of our time is spent on these 5 apps.
Mobile technology in our life
Then, for the ones brave enough to get their own mobile piece of real estate, they are faced with these issues: getting their apps known in the stores, getting their apps. downloaded and then keeping these apps. in the clients’ phones.

So why is this complicated?

  1. The sheer number of apps out there. There are over 4.2 million apps in GOOGLE PLAY and iTUNES stores.
  2. They don’t have a plan. Overwhelmed by all the different channels, they spend a little here and there without focus. They don’t know how to convert traffic into sales and they waste too much time on social media. We spend 50 minutes / day on FACEBOOK. Employers pay employees 8 hours / month to be on Facebook without any guidance or expectations thats is a lot of money wasted.

So why do we believe in mobile apps then?

Simply because a mobile application for certain business sectors can become your best marketing tool if used properly. The golf industry is one of those sectors.
That is why we have decided to focus our efforts in a few key segments where emotional connection was a factor, a form of membership was available, where information was prioritized for the end user and where timeliness could impact your client relationship.
Mobile marketing is a must for any B2C business we don’t need to state the obvious. What is less obvious is where to focus right now SMB’s have a hard time getting a handle on social media, don’t what their web site should do, landing page, compete site, transactional, etc.
Our concern  at RINZINZIN is mobile marketing only and Adobe says it’s three segments that need to be covered:
  1. Mobile apps;
  2. Notifications;
  3. Geolocation. 
In keeping with this spirit, we already believe that the next step in the proverbial instant personalized advertising world, the real opportunity lies with beacons.
These proximity management tools offer opportunities to golf clubs that are incredible, in the goal of optimizing customer experience, engagement, loyalty the ultimate goal is to be able to talk to every member personally, beacons offer this opportunity.
Be it EDDYSTONE or iBEACON technology the possibility of simply configuring a personalized message to a member will have tremendous effect in your bottom line without adding a new member.
The number of beacons should reach 400 million by 2020 according to www.blog.beaconstat.com we now have approximately have 6 millions + beacons in the USA.
Mobile technology: beacon technology, proximity
One of the biggest reasons why mobile apps on their own have a hard time converting is that there is no personal communication between the business and the client, push notifications are the salvation of why beacons work, however, sending generic non personalized messages all the time also cause an adverse effect to the end-user.
We stand currently on the edge of technology acceptance people downloading an app. almost expect to be communicated with on a personal level.
The technology available to manage the beacons that might present on a golf course is fairly simple to use:
  • You don’t need to configure or plug-in a new system, it can be stand alone or linked to your CRM or other form of database.
  • Approximately 30% of all apps. offer beacon ready technology or interface, this number will increase especially with the IoT (internet of things).
Golf clubs have incredible, ready to use databases for their businesses already. Mobile marketing offers fantastic opportunities to cross market, up-sell, engage, increase loyalty and so much more using mobile applications. Beacons simply make this happen with so much more effect and velocity.
The ecosystem of a golf club is incredible, from food and catering to lessons, pro shop, bar, other amenities. 
Add to that retargeting, loyalty cards, VIP attribution, tournament management, food ordering, alerts and much more. We know that this is a game changer for those clubs that invest the time in managing their own mobile application with proximity technology.
More about beacon technology:
  • httpss://blog.beaconstac.com/2016/08/top-ibeacon-trends-for-2016/
  • httpss://blog.beaconstac.com/2017/01/why-businesses-need-to-leverage-beacon-based-retargeting-right-now/